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Photovoltaic Array

about sunflower

Sunflower is an affliate of Ryan Inc -- designers and installers of quality solar installations. We're the engineers, electricians, carpenters, and trades that craft your solar installation. We're the back office that coordinates the applications, permits, and approvals for your installation. And we're the support staff that keep your system on track for years to come. All told, we make your sunflower photovoltaic system a reality.

We work exclusively with your sunflower consultant to provide a quality installation with a focus on the aesthetics, safety and output of your installation.
We use only better products like Silfab panels, Enphase micro-inverters, Unirac racking, and EcoFasten mounts, for a beautiful black-on-black array.


Besides a superior product and installation, the Ryan building performance team can provide you with a complete Energy Analysis of your structure to minimize electrical usage and reduce the overall cost of your photovoltaic system.


We've been in business since 1937 which gives us the depth and breadth to serve sunflower clients with care, integrity, and efficiency. Only a company that has been there for 80 years can say that with confidence.

sunflower system


Once your sunflower system is up and running, it will produce electricity for your immediate use, with any excess returned to the grid -- spinning your meter backwards -- and crediting your electric bill.

You'll also be earning Solar Renewable Energy Credits (SREC's) which will be sold in the SREC marketplace earning you a continuing revenue stream for the next 15 years. (See our Resources page for current SREC prices.)

To start, you'll be receiving a 30% Investement Tax Credit off your current taxes. This amount will be financed for 1 year so it won't come out of your pocket.


There are several methods to acquire a sunflower system which are described below on the Options page. Whichever method you choose, sunflower will assist you at every step making it easy to choose the financing method that's right for you. We make it easy!


And sunflower comes with honest financial structures: for we know that the best installations are the ones where the client joins in the benefits of a brighter world.


sunflower benefits

net zero

Thinking about Net Zero? Solar will be the foundation that gets you there.

carbon reduction


This is the best part. Most or all of your electric bill is gone. With only a few years of payments, you'll end up with a system that produces no-cost electric for decades.

Did you know each kW of system installation (about 4 panels) reduces carbon emmisions by 1,680 pounds annually.

property value


The Investment Tax Credit will provide a 30% credit against total taxes. And sunflower will finance the ITC for a whole year.

The real estate markeplace is clammering for sustainable real estate. A sunflower system can increase the value of your property with the attachment of revenue streams. Imagine your Realtor (c) showing your property with its electric meter spinning backwards.

Solar Renewable Energy Certificates are now trading at $280 a Certificate. With a typical 10 kW system producing 12 Certificates a year, this will be a major revenue source of your system. See our Resource page for Flett Exchange and SREC Trade for the latest news.

grid curtailment

Your system will produce electricity locally reducing the need for new power lines and pipelines which cut through undeveloped areas.


postive cash flow

Sunflower solar systems are structured to provide positive cash flow from the start. And with no prepayment penalties, it's easy to structure a plan that fits you exactly.


sunflower portfolio


sunflower options

  • Long-Term Revenue

  • Significant 14.5% IRR

  • Invest in Your Home

  • Receive 30% ITC

  • SREC Revenue Stream

  • Easiest Method

  • Generous ROI



  • Home Equity Line of Credit

  • No Money Down

  • Tax Deduct Loan Interest

  • Receive 30% ITC / SREC's

  • Generous ROI

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Site Title


  • No Money Down

  • Simple Loan Application

  • Instant Aprovals

  • Recieve 30% Tax Credit

  • Recieve SREC Revenue 

  • Positive Cash Flows

  • No Money Down

  • No Electric Bill

  • Small Monthly Payments

  • Own After 20 Years

  • Easy Approval

  • Low Credit OK



  • No Money Down

  • Reduce Electric Cost by 30%

  • Perfect for No Credit

  • Easiest Plan

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sunflower resources


NJ Clean Energy: This is the New Jersey Office of Clean Energy which administers solar installations in our state. Lots of information here, especially on the SREC Registration Program (SRP).


DSIRE: DSIRE (Database of State Incentives for Renewables & Efficiency), the US clearinghouse for Renewable Energy information. The link will take you to the New Jersey Incentive page. You can use the filtering button (Apply Filter: Technology / Renewable Energy / Solar Technologies / Solar Photovoltaics > Apply Filter) to focus only on Solar Incentives in New Jersey.


EIA: The EIA (Energy Infomration Administration) is the reporting arm for US energy information. The link will take you to the Electricity Pricing page; however, please review the site for other interesting energy subjects.


Flett Exchange: This is the spot market for SREC’s and a good place to follow SREC prices.


SREC Trade: Your SREC trading partner who will sell your SREC’s for you. Also see the site blog (filter to New Jersey) for the latest market news.


PJM GATS: PJM is the grid where we feed our photovoltaic electric into. The GATS (Generation Attribute Tracking System) will be the location of your actual trading account.


NJ Spotlight: For current and late-breaking environment news in New Jersey.

let's talk

Sunflower Solar

741 Lehigh Avenue

Union, NJ 07083

Phone (800) 736-2800

Fax (908) 687-3299

email your utility bill for a free, no-obligation quote.

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